FPS Distribution – A History of Excellence
For over 80 years, FPS has had a reputation for delivering distribution and wholesale excellence. Over the course of almost a century, FPS has grown into a distribution powerhouse that now boasts a product portfolio that spans the Automotive, Maintenance & Accessories and Retail sectors. Discover the history of the UK’s leading distribution network below, and learn more about FPS Distributions rise to greatness.

FPS Founded
Ferraris Piston Service Ltd – a family business manufacturing & distributing pistons – is founded.

'Modern' Ferraris is born
FPS is sold by Ferraris family to Tomkins Group, and we witness the birth of the ‘modern Ferraris’ we see today.

FPS Joins Lookers
FPS joins Lookers plc; the resulting investment from the group supported expansion and growth into a leading distribution juggernaut.

The Sheffield DC is Built
The crown of the FPS network is built – the Sheffield Distribution Centre at Parkway Rise.

M & A is Launched
Launch of Maintenance & Accessories, fulfilment and retail logistics.

Sheffield Expansion is Completed
Bulk storage warehouse opened at Sheffield Grange Mill Lane.

FPS makes technological advancements
Several groundbreaking advancements are made within the business, including the the introduction of the Super RDC programme, the launch of a 3rd generation eCommerce website (F:Drive2) and the implementation of the 360⁰ programme.

Acquired by Alliance Automotive Group (AAG)
FPS is acquired by AAG, providing initial boosts such as a new IT hardware infrastructure, fleet & Telecoms investment and Bulk storage expansion.

AAG acquired by Genuine Parts Company (GPC)
The Alliance Automotive Group is acquired by the Genuine Parts Company, providing even greater growth opportunity for FPS.

AAG & GPC Investment nurtures FPS growth
The final storage unit at at Grange Mill Lane is purchased, along with an extension and new canopy being built at Parkway Rise. A new Regional Distribution Centre is opened in Launceston and further investments are made in the FPS fleet, making the distribution network the strongest it has ever been.

The FPS Distribution Network Continues its Expansion
The Maidstone RDC moves to a larger premises. Key projects come to fruition including online Returns, ePOD, reverse logistics and automated warehouse sortation.

Further Growth to the FPS Distribution Network
As the RDC network grows, more sites are moved into larger premises to manage the increase in activity within the wider group. With Luton, Glasgow, and Birmingham already on the move, we will see more sites follow suit over the next few years.